Always on the move

Hello –  and thank you so very much for stopping by,

I know I have not been posting a lot in the last few weeks. I definitely had a lot going on but the main reason was that I took some time for myself to develop a new skill. I bought myself a really beautiful Photo Camera and started to learn how to take pictures. I must say I am having a blast! I have definitely a long way to go but I am very excited with my progress and I am loving it.

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Lorna Jane (US)

Last night I went to the gym for the first time in very long. I have a spine injury and I have been battling it for a long time and I guess I got worn down a lot by pain so I decided to just relax for a while and just see that I get better. But I personally like to be healthy and fit, and I need my body as a professional dancer, even so I am retired from competing professionally, so after this break it felt good to get started again nice and easy and to take care of myself.


Here are a few tips on how to get started with exercising and being more active after you had a break:

1 Love your body in every state – you did not work out in a while – so this was your decision. Own up to it and be OK with it. You loved these couch cushions? That’s Ok! Getting started with a positive approach towards yourself is most important. If you do not appreciate yourself now, you will not after you reached your fitness goals.

2 Baby steps! Do not go right away to your absolute maximum – this feels more like punishing yourself rather than developing yourself and taking care of yourself. Start with something light and fun, even if you just go for 15 minutes. An active lifestyle is a habit, give yourself time to establish it and to enjoy it. Start small and create a habit.

3 Increase intensity step by step – one little change at the time. It is again all about changing your own behavior and that usually never works if you have too high ambitions right away (I’ll start my diet on monday….yeah…lol – never works) – start NOW but one little thing at the time.

4 Write down every success you had – every little thing counts! Written words are powerful and after a while you have lots of things to read back and be proud of. Little Victories need to be celebrated – they will add up over time and become big victories!

5 Expect setbacks! Like in everything in life, you will have bad days or will get temporarily distracted by life when it gets a little crazy. Make sure you find motivation in these times, for me a new gym outfit goes a long way, but you can try some different classes, new exercises and mix things up a little bit. If times get a little tough – keep going and get past it. It is like in life – get unstuck – move past it – and know that it will all be OK in the end.

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I hope those tips help you to get back to it in a positive way. For me – setting a date never worked, if I want to make a change, I change now. But very little, it’s like driving and starting to gently stir into a new direction. If you drive to fast – you will crash.

I would love to hear your tips and stories,

xo BB

Happy Easter to all of you


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Happy Easter Weekend to all of you!

It was a gorgeous and warm day in LA, Dima and I went for brunch and simply enjoyed the atmosphere and the surroundings.

Today I decided to picture the flowers that I found on our way throughout the day. People always say that you have to go and smell the flowers and look at all the beauty around you and that it is a big part of being a positive and happy person.

About 10 years ago, when I was just a couple of years into my first business, I got a little overwhelmed and felt that the pressure of all of it is getting down on me. I have been told that I needed to go and smell flowers and that I need to create a positive mindset.

OK, so I did, I took my dog, Coco, went for a walk and smelled all the flowers I could find. And guess what…NOTHING happened…when I came back I felt the same way. No changes at all!!!

I was close to just giving up on it, and to stay in my misery and wallow in my feelings of the world coming down on me.

But the idea about the flowers stayed in my mind, so despite that nothing changed so far, I continued my little walks and smelled flowers and looked at everything beautiful I could find… and guess what, in a little while I started to feel better. My brain learned to focus on a different reality, it learned to see the beautiful  things around me and it translated quickly into life.

Not only did I feel better, obstacles and setbacks, as disappointing as they sometimes are, were not so hard to overcome anymore. It was like looking past them and just jumping over them rather than getting stuck with them and dwell on everything that was coming my way.

I wanted to share this experience with you, maybe it will stay with you as well…

so for now,

let’s go and smell the flowers and find beauty around us

xo BB