Some easy stretches with Stella..

Let’s stop for a minute…. breathe… it’s time for ME TIME – yay!

For all of you who think they are too busy to fit some self care and fitness into their day, I have great news – It doesn’t have to take much time to do something for yourself!

I would like to share with you a few very simple stretching exercises I love to do. You will see, afterwards your body feels better, little aches and twitches will disappear, tensions will calm down and you feel great and continue your day.

And Stella wanted to be there too of course, she loves it when I exercise, she has to participate…

Here is what you will need:

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A Yoga Mat:Forever Pink Yoga Mat (3mm)Gaiam Sol Dry-Grip Yoga Mat (5mm)

  1. Sit on your yoga mat, put your feet together and let your knees fall apart. Grasp your feet with your hands. Make sure you are sitting on the front part of your sitting bone and keep your back straight. Keep breathing and gently bend from your hips forward, and let your upper body relax. Keep breathing and let your own body weight gently extend your position.

Gaiam.Yoga Banner

2) Lay on your back and stretch your legs out. Bend one knee and grasp it with your hands. Gently pull it towards your chest. At the same time watch out that your other leg stays on the floor and your knee stays straight. Hold for a count of ten and then pull your knee across your body. Make sure your other leg and shoulder stays on the floor. Be gentle, let the body weight do the job, keep breathing and count to ten. Repeat with your other leg.


3) Sit up with your legs straight and make sure you are sitting on the front of your sitting bone with a straight back. Breathe in and gently bend forwards from your hips. Try to grab your toes with your hands, if it is not so easy, just simply place your hands on your legs as far forward as you can. Keep breathing and let your body weight pull you down. Make sure your knees are straight and your legs stay flat on the floor.

4) Sit up, bend one knee and place your foot across the other leg. Take your opposite arm and place your elbow across your knee. Make sure you are sitting upright on the front of your sitting bone. Take a deep breath and gently twist your shoulders and upper body towards your knee. Repeat to the other side.


Thanks for stretching with Stella and I, we enjoyed it very much, I hope you too. Contact me for tips and pointers,

xoxo BB 🙂