Happy New Year 2019
I spent the last day in 2018 in Santa Monica at the beach. It was the perfect setting and I just wanted to share this special moment with you. Feeling happy and alive and ready for the new year.
Generally New Year’s resolutions are not my thing. I usually do not wait for a certain date to change something in my life. I work on myself daily. Everything I do is a byproduct of my daily thoughts and habits. My plans evolve on that same daily basis. It is a constant process of development and I doubt it can happen over night by declaring a New Year’s resolution.
But this time is a great opportunity to look at a whole year of development. You can reevaluate some things or chose to develop certain thoughts and directions. If you want to grow, you have to raise your standards. We all have big dreams. But we have to double check if our behaviors and thoughts line up with that big picture in our minds. Otherwise we might have to reevaluate our big plans. And carefully think if we are really ready to do what it takes to get there.
You are a product of your thoughts and your closest environment. To change anything you need to start there…..
I wish you a Happy, Healthy, Mindful and successful New Year. Thank you so much to all of you who follow my blog. I can’t wait to see what 2019 has in store.
Let’s do this!
xo BB